


Admission and Placement Policy

We have an open policy on all our admission subject to availability of spaces. No academic assessment is required for our pre-school classes. However, students transferring from other schools into our primary school will be required to go through an evaluation session.

The school requires evidence of inoculation for serious infectious diseases. This will help in protecting our “TREASURES”.


At our Creche section, we do not just “BABYSIT”, We EDUCATE!!! This program is structured to pamper and prepare our “Treasures” for the future challenges of schooling. Hence, in our crèches, conscious effort is made to positively guide our Mini Miracles through play to achieve literacy and numeracy.


Our Preschool (Playgroups, Pre-nursery and Nursery) curriculum is not wholly tied to any cliché or generalized methods. It is rooted in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) but unique to us and yields phenomenal results, beyond expectations. Throughout the preschool years, our “Treasures” will have fun experiences involving alphabets, numbers, shapes, writing and reading along with social and physical developments.

The aim is to develop major skills including but not limited to:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional adaptability skills/development. 
  • Effective Communication, Language and Literacy skills.
  • Numeracy, Problem Solving and critical reasoning skills
  • Practical life skills i.e. Knowledge and understanding of the world.
  • Physical development 
  • Creative expressions/development.
  • Christian Religious Knowledge & belief.
  • Sciences and Morals. 

Importantly, we maintain a 1 teacher to 6 children ratio. Each child has one-on-one instruction time with the instructor(s). This way, we are able to identify and attend to the needs of the gifted/talented and otherwise.  

Primary School

In 2005, the National Council on Education (NCE) mandated the Nigerian Educational Research and Development council (NERDC) to produce a viable curriculum to meet national and international goals (including NEEDS, EFA & MDGs).

Further to the above, Einstein’s Cradle & Grades has successfully structured and align its Primary Education Curriculum along the NERDC’s Universal Basic Education (UBE) line, with a splash of the British curriculum, for the achievement of the national and global development goals.

Application Forms

Application forms are obtainable at the school premises at a cost N2,000:00 (Two thousand Naira Only).

Uniform and Dress Codes

Aside from the clothes worn to school daily, each child is expected to come with extra play clothes and swim suits as required.

School Fees

Comparatively, our payment plan is flexible and affordable. Details will be provided to parents / guardians upon submission of admission form and completion of other formalities. School fees are to be paid before any child may be admitted into the classroom.

Pick Up Cards

This will be issued to parents or person(s) designated to pick up the children.